Mini-Post Mondays: Flake, Chore Chart

Welcome to this week’s Mini-Post Mondays, y’all!

mini post


I am a flake. This I know. My best friend, Luke, complains about this constantly. It’s just a part of me I cannot shake. I was even born two weeks late. Or 8 days. Or, well, the exact amount of time isn’t the point but I was born late. Take my word for it.

The point of all that was to inform you that I am a flake, there is no doubt about it, and I know it. Which is, along with my inability to concentrate, my excuse for not doing several of my weekly features for the past few weeks. I’m way behind on Featured Fridays and Silly Bucket List Sundays, and even a week or so behind on Life Behind Bars. But don’t fret! You can still participate, even if I’m not. Just send out a pingback (link) to the page of the specific feature you’re taking part in, which can all be easily found in my menu at the top(ish) of the page.

I promise, promise, promise I will try harder to keep up with everything.

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Chore Chart (aka I’m a Big Baby and it Works for Me)

You may recall I previously mentioned that my therapist recommended I work with my childishness and make myself up a chore chart. I give myself one or two things to do each day of the week (dishes, mopping, vacuuming, etc.) and when the task is complete I put a sticker over the day and if I get stickers for every day of the week I get a small prize. My (slightly bigger) prize for last week was three super fancy dresses ($15 each!) (because I had a wedding to go to on Saturday and nothing to wear) which I’m crazy excited about because I never have anything to wear to anything even remotely fancy and now I do. Yay!

Anyway, the chore chart has been working remarkably well. So far it’s been in effect since November 1st and there was only one day I didn’t earn a star but that was because it was the day of the wedding and I pushed that day’s chore to today, and completed it today so really I did get a star. My father and I talked about it and I’m also allowed to take sick days or switch days around or pretty much whatever I want, but I’m such a little kid at heart and love getting the stickers so even when I’m feeling crappy (which I have been) I make sure to do something to get the sticker.

I should really add blogging to the list since I’ve been slacking so much lately.

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That’s all I have for this week — don’t forget to link up your Mini-Post Mondays!

2 thoughts on “Mini-Post Mondays: Flake, Chore Chart

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