Mini-Post Mondays: Poop, Job, Why

Welcome back to Mini-Post Mondays!

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How do people have conversations while they’re pooping? Don’t they have to push even a little? Does the poop just fall out their butts? Why does it fall out?! Why am I having these thoughts?

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I have a job interview Tuesday at 2pm. I’m slightly excited and slightly terrified and mostly not thinking about it at all for fear of becoming more excited or terrified.

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One of the many reasons I am with Nate and not Jack is because of their singing. Jack is, honestly, a better singer than Nate. But when he sings I pick out all his imperfections and just want him to shut up. When Nate sings, even with his imperfections, it’s magical and I smile the whole time and never want it to end.

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That’s all for this week. I’m not having many thoughts lately. Make sure to link up your own mini-post Monday post with this one or the Mini Mondays page!

15 thoughts on “Mini-Post Mondays: Poop, Job, Why

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